Installing the clamping buffer

Now the clamping buffers are mounted on the jib tip and on the jib arm start point.


Rubber buffer

Vertical fillister-head screw M16

Horizontal fillister-head screw M12

Clamping buffer

*   Rotate the clamping buffer so that the rubber buffers are pointing towards the trolley.

*   Push the clamping buffer onto the lower flange on the jib arm.

*   Tighten the vertical fillister-head screw slightly on one side.

*   Then tighten the other vertical fillister-head screw and the horizontal fillister-head screw slightly.

*   Align the clamping buffer so that both clamping claws are lying flush and parallel on the flange.

For the clamping buffer on the jib tip: also make sure that there is an interval of at least 5 mm between the end of the clamping buffer and the jib tip.

*   Tighten the vertical fillister-head screws M16 (2x). 120 Nm.

*   Then tighten the horizontal M12 fillister-head screw. 80 Nm.

*   Push the rubber buffer right down onto the flange.