The following requirements must be met in order for the jib crane to be installed:
The requirements for installation of the jib crane can be examined by ABUS by means of a technical pre-clarification.
─ As a rule, the technical pre-clarification will be conducted in cases in which ABUS carries out the installation of the jib crane.
─ The technical pre-clarification can be carried out by ABUS at extra cost when the jib crane is installed by the user or by other installation companies.
─ If no technical pre-clarification is performed by ABUS, the following requirements must be independently checked and documented prior to the installation.
─ The safety clearances given in the crane drawing must be observed.
─ It must be ensured that the on-site supporting structure is able to withstand the forces from crane operation. See building statistics on the transmission of forces.
─ The fastening points for the upper and lower wall mounts must lie in a single plane and be plumb-vertical to one another. The supporting structure must be plumb-vertical.
─ All planning documents for the jib crane must be available.
These planning documents are created and calculated by ABUS individually for every single jib crane (or for the conversion of an existing jib crane).
The planning documents, above all the crane drawing, must be adhered to exactly in all cases.