Switching off the crane


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Observe the product manuals!

In addition to the points described here, all information in the section "Switching off crane" in the "General Product Manual for ABUS Cranes" also apply.


Switching off crane with fuse isolating link

Warnung Strom

Danger due voltage on the

power line and special power circuits!

If the fuse isolating link was opened, voltage is still present in the power line up to the fuse isolating link. Special power circuits (e.g. for load lifting attachments) can also be connected in front of the fuse isolating link and could still be switched on even with the fuse isolating link open.

Check that no voltage is present prior to any work. Only electricians should work on the crane electrical system!


The fuse isolating link in the crane control fulfils the function of the circuit isolator. The entire crane can thus be disconnected from the current to the greates possible extent.

This is primarily useful if the entire crane installation cannot be switched off with a general mains switch.


Product safety sign on the cover of the crane control for switching off the crane


Fuse isolating link


* Open crane control

* Observe the applicable occupational health and safety regulations and turn the fuse isolating link on the handle downwards.

* Secure fuse isolating link with padlock so that it cannot be accidentally closed again.

* Wait for 15 minutes while the voltage is dissipated.

●   The crane is de-energised from the fuse isolating link onward. Voltage is still present up to the fuse isolating link. In special power circuits (e.g. for load lifting attachments), voltage may also still be present even if the fuse isolating link is open.