Overview: Device addresses

The device address is a digital unique address of each CAN bus device in the CAN bus network, via which the PLC and the respective CAN bus device exchange data. Each CAN bus device must have its own unique device address. If two CAN bus devices inadvertently have the same device address there will be a conflict and a fault is displayed.

The bit rate is the speed with which the data is exchanged.


The device address can be automatically set at many CAN bus devices. For this purpose, the CAN bus devices are set to a base address at the factory (base addresses usually end with "0"). This base address is otherwise not used in the CAN bus network.

If the PLC cannot find a CAN bus device in the CAN bus network when switched on and instead finds a CAN bus device with a base address, it can be assumed that this CAN bus device has just been replaced. Therefore the base address is converted to the device address of the missing CAN bus device.


CAN bus device

Base address

Crane travel frequency converter


Trolley travel frequency converter


Hoist frequency converter, brand: "Schneider"


Hoist frequency converter, brand: "Siemens"


Absolute rotary encoder


LED matrix display