The figures show a WLAN connection to a PC with Windows 7. A WLAN connection is established differently for other operating systems on tablets, computers and smartphones.
Bring the laptop as close as possible to the
crane, e.g. set it up directly beneath the crane.
Note the crane serial number of the crane
that the connection should be established with.
The crane serial number is located, for example, on a sticker on the main girder.
If necessary: activate the WLAN adapter on
the laptop.
Crane WLAN network |
| |
Symbol for the available WLAN networks |
Click on the symbol for the available WLAN
networks in the system bar at the bottom right.
Select the WLAN network with the name (SSID)
which corresponds to the crane serial number in the list of available WLAN
networks and connect.
─ Every crane has its own WLAN network.
─ The network name (SSID) is identical with the crane serial number and is unique.
Enter the same character sequence for the
network key again (with or without hyphens and/or blank spaces, exactly as it is
on the network name (SSID)).
● The laptop will connect with the ABUControl WLAN.